Sunday, July 29, 2012

Javert - Finished


Okay, so technically, I promised a hat, but I'm kinda ready to move on to other things.  Honestly, he'll probably go hat-less until they release the next Les Miserables movie trailer, and then I'll get all worked up and excited about the movie again and decide make his hat.

The only difference between the finished product and the last time you saw him is that trim and buttons have been added to his uniform.  The trim is slim, silver ribbon that's been glued on.  The buttons I actually purchased as do-it-yourself covered buttons, meaning they're meant to be covered in fabric, so that they blend in with the material of the clothing.  But I had no intention of covering them.  I needed smooth silver buttons for his uniform, and buying covered buttons was cheaper than buying the real thing.  The buttons come with a front, that gets covered, and a back that pops into place afterward.  Since there's no fabric, I hot-glued the front and back together and then sewed them on as-is.

And that's about it!

Now that I've got Javert done, and I've got Tokyo in Tulsa out of the way, I feel like I'm open to start up new things.  I'm not totally sure what I'm going to start on, since I have a few different ideas of things I'd like to do.  But I do know that I'd like to get started on some writing.  (Remember earlier when I said my muse wanted me to write stories about some guy named Charles?)  I need to get all my ideas written down and organized, and I have a lot of research and world building to do before I start actually writing.  I debate a bit whether or not to post my writing as I go, but I doubt I will, mostly because I have a habit of getting half-way through a story and then deciding to make major changes to the characters and plot.  If I posted it as I went, I'd end up saying, "Um... guys?... Pretend the last chapter didn't happen.  Also, Riley's name is now inexplicably changed to Emma.  For reasons."

So, yeah, that's where I am.  We'll see what happens from here.

Peace out!

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