Sunday, July 15, 2012

Javert Plus WIP (almost done!)

Javert is almost done!  His clothes are assembled, but his top needs some mild tweeking, and needs all the buttons and trim that go on it.

I got pretty lucky because I saved the pattern I used for Vash's coat and was able to tweak it into what I needed for Javert.  Which is kind of funny, because I seem to remember packing away Vash's pattern and thinking, "Why am I saving this?  I will never sew Vash's coat again."  But I'm one of those people that keeps random things because I think it might be useful someday.  I think this is the first time something random actually was useful later.

(Why is it that when I look up reference pictures for anything, I end up getting sidetracked?  While looking for references for his uniform, I ended up learning that Philip Quast, a fan-favorite actor for Javert, used to be on a preschoolers' show in Australia.  I watched a clip in which he sang nursery rhymes and then pretended to be a cat.  My brain is having a hard time coping with that.  The idea that super serious, uptight Inspector Javert and the grown man pretending to be a cat are the same person is refusing to sink in.)

In unrelated news:
This has nothing to do with the ongoing battle between Wolfwood and Ezio, but my sister made fairy wings out of a pipe cleaner and tried them onto Wolfwood.  I'm ridiculously fond of those wings.  I think I'll just leave them on forever.

That's all for now!  Peace out!

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