Sunday, August 5, 2012

Redwall Happend This Weekend.

I've found myself doing something unexpected this weekend.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, (mostly in middle school), I was completely in love with a book series titled Redwall.  It has a medieval setting, but the characters are all animals.  Think Disney's "Robin Hood."  During that time, I would get online and do RPG's, in which I would jump on a forum, make up a character, and write stories jointly with others in which each person was responsible for writing what happened to their own character.

One of my fellow RPGers was "Aquamarine," who somehow managed to track me down years later.  We've been facebook friends for a while.  This weekend she invited me to join a "Redwall Party" in which she and several friends were going to do an RPG for nostalgia's sake.  My first reaction was something akin to panic.  "Does she know how long it's been since I've read those!?  I don't remember anything!  Something about mice... and I think there were squirrels and otters there, too... and swords..."

But I accepted.

We're "partying" through Monday night, so I've been spending just about all my time hanging about on this forum.  Somewhere in there, I jokingly said, "I have no idea what's going on here.  I'm just posting when they tell me to."  Only I wasn't entirely joking.  I'm holding my own pretty well, though, I think.  Every time I post, someone says, "Thanks, Sarah!  That was great."  So, either, I'm doing well, or they're just making sure to be really nice to me.

I'm writing an otter family, by the way.  A father, a son, and a daughter.  At the moment, the son has been captured by the bad guys while attempting to rescue his friend, also captured by bad guys.  I'm very amused that, early on, we all heard that the bad guys were planning on making the good guys play a cruel version of tug-of-war in order to win back the prisoners, and everyone immediately starts making big, burly otter characters.  (But my character came first!  Hipster Otter was a big, burly otter before it was cool!)

It's all very nostalgic in a very weird way.

That's all for now.  Peace out!

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