Sunday, June 3, 2012

New Project full of Les Mis-y Goodness

I've been very busy crafting this week.  Have I been sewing a dress?  No.  Have I been drawing?  No.  Have I been putting together costumes?  No.

I've been making a plushy, because my artistic ADD kicked in hard core this week.

The prequel to my tale began a few years ago when I tried, and epicly failed, to make a plushy of the character Inspector Javert from the book/movie/musical Les Miserables.

Skip ahead to this week, when my sister posted a link to a trailer of the upcoming Les Mis movie.  I'm excited about that movie like none other.  Like seriously.  Seriously excited.  Very seriously excited.  Like none other.  And one of my first thoughts was that I wished I had pulled off that Javert plushy back then because that would be nice to hug on while I watch the movie.

That night my sister told me that she wanted to try sewing a plushy.  Oh really?  What a coincidence.  I was just thinking today about plushies.  "Really?  Then we should each make one together!"  And this is were my ADD kicked in, because I said, "Yeah!"

We're using the same pattern that I used for Vash a while back.  Having the pattern already done is making things go much faster than they did with Vash, and we don't really have social lives or anything, so we've been spending just about every free minute cutting and sewing fabric (while running a boat-load of anime in the background).  Vash has been hanging around to use as a reference.  We've taken to lining all three plush dolls up in a row on the couch, which really ought to be cute, but since the two new ones are currently bald, naked, missing mouths, and, mostly importantly, missing legs, it just ends up being pretty creepy looking instead.

I don't even know what to say about this picture.
As a bit of a joke, I cut out a piece of paper towel and colored it to make hair for my plushy, but somehow, Amy's ended up wearing it instead.

I want to give him legs by the end of the day to get him less creepy as quickly as possible.  Then it's hair and clothes.  I'm looking forward to sewing a uniform and I promised Amy I would make the hat.

Oh, look, it's Russel-Crowe-Javert from the upcoming movie.  He's the first Javert I've seen with a beard.  Odd.  Usually Javert has no beard, but obligatory sideburns.  Your facial hair is growing in the wrong places, Russel!
Anyway, in a week or two I'll be moving to a different apartment (but in the same complex), so Amy and I can each have a bedroom, instead of me having a bedroom and Amy having a floor.  I'm apprehensively awaiting that time, because it will mean dropping all projects were the are and loading up boxes instead.  Since the new apartment is just a couple buildings down, I keep imagining myself taking the sewing machine off the table, picking up the table, walking it to the new apartment, coming back for the sewing machine, setting it back on the table, and then picking up where I left off.  But something tells me it will be a lot more chaotic than that.  Don't be surprised if I don't post for a while, or if I get on just to say, "I threw Javert in a box and now I can't find him!  Nooooooo!"

Peace out!

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