Sunday, June 17, 2012

Moved, Writer Friend, and Action Figures

Last weekend my sister and I moved into our new apartment.  We're pretty much all unpacked now and such, except that my room is still a disaster area.  Somehow I keep working on it, but it doesn't look any cleaner.  It's hard for me to relax when things are really messy, so the first of the week I pretty much went around stressed all the time, and even sat at work thinking, "I shouldn't be here!  I should be at home!... cleaning!"

To help unwind I took time at the end of the day to work on a back, back, back, back burner project, a fanfiction that will probably never get finished.  I'll write a chapter or so and then get a "Well, that itch has been scratched," feeling.  Then a couple months later, I'll feel the urge to write some more, add another chapter, etc.  Since I don't expect to ever finish it, there's pretty much no pressure to actually write anything good, so that made it a really good stress-free distraction.  This week I added on to it every night.  Now that itch has been scratched.  Again.  Next distraction please!

On another note, I have a little computer desk that used to be sitting in the living room and is now in my bedroom.  While in the living room, it was supposed to be a desk, but really it was the place I'd throw things when I walk in the front door and then they stay there forever.  So now that it's in my bedroom, I'm trying to make it a desk again.  I have it placed facing into the room, with a small bookcase beside it so that the two make an L shape coming off the wall.  Amy teased me and said I made an office in my bedroom, but I prefer to think of it as an Area of Creativity where I can work on projects.

I also have an interior decorating project in mind for my room, but I have such a to-do list right now, that it's barely on the radar.

And now for something different.

I have a good friend who's been working on a novel she hopes to get published.  (Hi, Larissa!)  This weekend, she had the chance to get a chapter of her story critiqued by Peter S. Beagle, author of The Last Unicorn.  He liked it!  Bear with me, I feel the need to say that one more time.  My friend had her writing read by a popular fantasy author and he like it!  I've had the opportunity to help proof-read some of her short stories, so I already knew she was good, but hearing that she got praised by a published author was pure awesome-sauce.  I'm so proud of her!  You'd think I was the one who got praised, I was so happy!

She's my friend, so of course I'm happy on her behalf whenever something good happens to her, but sometimes I think there's a little part of me that gets excited because there was a time when I wanted to be an author, too.  I gave up the idea, partly because I wasn't sure I was good enough, but mostly because I'm a cautious person, and I wanted to focus on getting a "real" job.  I still write all the time, but for my own personal enjoyment, not to get anything published.  So there's this little part of me that almost feels like I'm vicariously living a dream through my friend.

Go, Rissa!  You're so awesome!

And now for something really different.

I have a confession to make.  I'm really not the kind of geek that goes buying all kinds of merchandise and collectables and limited edition kind of stuff.  To me, the value of an object is purely sentimental, not in it's monetary value or rarity or whatever.  And most of that collectable stuff seems like little piddly useless stuff that I wouldn't know where to put anyway.  And I don't do action figures.  That's for ten year old boys.  I don't do action figures.  But... I recently bought a limited edition Nicholas D. Wolfwood action figure.  (He's so cool!  He's jointed out the wazoo, has interchangeable hands, and interchangeable faces with different expressions!)  There was a Wolfwood and a Vash, and I was kind of eyeing them both, thinking things like, "They look like they'd be fun to fiddle with.  Well, it's looking at work like I might be doing some overtime next month, so since I'll have some extra overtime money, I might buy them, just for kicks.  You know, kinda reward myself for the overtime."  Then I got online to remind myself how much they were and found that they had just stopped producing them and the prices were skyrocketing, far beyond what I was willing to pay for something I was only half interested in.  A sort of panicked "That means it's now or never" attitude set in, and I frantically searched the internet for any of the figures that were still at the original price, found Wolfwood, and bought him on the spot.  Afterward, I was like, "I can't believe I just did that."

Amy has an Assassin's Creed action figure she got for Christmas, and today, the two of them met each other.  Wolfwood doesn't approve of assassins.  People who kill for money are bad people.  So he decided to let Ezio know how he felt on the issue... with his fist.

Amy's response was that Ezio would obviously win a fight between them because, duh, he's an assassin.  I countered that Wolfwood was in possession of a rocket launcher.  We'll have to wait and see who wins.  I have the feeling this won't be the only picture I take.

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