Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Updates and Arguments with my Muse

Table of Contents
1. Muse...ings
2. Dress Work-in-Progress Picture
3. Sarah in a Pink Wig.  (Yes, you read that right.)

Remember how I talked about my muse being like a person and demanding that I make up characters?  I've had an idea for a series of stories that's been filed away in my mind for a few months now, and suddenly my muse is very excited about these stories and wants to start seriously working on them.  The problem is, I have a dress to finish, a costume to put together, and general life... stuff... that means I can't really do that right now.  I guess that means that, if my muse really were a person, I would frequently have conversations with her that go something like this.
     Muse:  "Let's write about Charles!"
     Me:  "We can't do that right now.  We need to finish this dress first."
     "But... Charlie!  I love Charlie!"
     "I know.  Charlie later.  Dress now."
     "I don't wanna work on your dumb dress!  *pout* *stomp*  I wanna play with Charlie!"
     "Don't take that attitude with me!  Go sit in the corner!"
     "Fine! *stomps away*  *stomps back*  If we can't write about Charles, can we write about Victor?"
     "Fine!" *stomps away*
And then she sits in her little corner of my brain, and while I'm trying to sew in peace, she whispers, "Chaaaarliiiieeee!"

Unfortunately, I have indeed made the dress my No. 1 priority, project wise, and I won't let myself work very much on anything else.  The reason that's unfortunate is that I've found that I very much dislike working with chiffon fabric, because it stretches in weird ways, and just cutting out the pieces can be difficult, leading me to procrastinate working on the dress.  Since I won't let myself do anything else until the dress is finished, and I'm procrastinating sewing, nothing gets done.  Now I also procrastinate sewing because I want to write, but I won't let myself write because I need to sew, and nothing is still getting done.

I've gotten some of it done, though.  I'm lacking the sleeves and the zipper that goes up the back.  I wiggled into the thing (I made it skinny because... well... I am skinny, but I might have over done it, because I do indeed have to wiggle in order to get into it.) and had Amy snap a quick picture of me.

(You can see my tank top straps.  When I wear it for real, I might pull the collar up and pin it to some tank top straps or something.  I'm not really sure.  It doesn't feel like it's going to fall off my shoulders, but you never know.  The collar's a lot wider than what I'm used to wearing.)

Okay, let's see.  That takes care of 1 & 2 on my list.  Now on to 3.  This other costume I keep mentioning is for an anime convention in July.  I'm going as a human version of the pony Fluttershy from My Little Pony.

I'll be wearing a yellow dress with her butterflies on it, a pink wig, little yellow pony ears and little yellow wings.  I'm not sure whether I started getting excited about the costume, or just seeking new ways to procrastinate sewing the dress, but I went ahead and ordered the wig, even though I don't plan on getting the rest of it for a few weeks.  The wig came from The Five Wits (www.thefivewits.net) who sell anime wigs and other "artistic geekery" out of Shawnee, Oklahoma (Okie Geeks unite!)  It came today, and I was quite impressed with it.  I also had a horror filled moment in which I thought, "I've just bought a pink wig!  And I plan on wearing it!  What have I become?!"  But I had hardly finished the thought before the wig had somehow found itself on my head and I was making my way to the nearest mirror.

I don't have a head yet to put it on.  (A fake head to store it on, I mean.  Don't worry, my own head is still attached.)  So I found the stuffed animal with the biggest head I could find.

Then it was off to the bathroom to pin back all my hair in preparation for the wig.


...What have I become?!

But it's kind a cute, right?!

...But what have I become?!  I'm wearing a pink wig!

...This cosplay is going to be so much fun!

Here is Fluttershy to express my feelings on the subject of this costume.


P.S.  As I was putting my wig away again, my Vash plush saw it.  Vash asked if he could try it on.  I warned him that it would clash with his red coat, but he didn't care.  So I helped him fit it over his spiky hair.  Once it was on, Vash decided he looked a bit on the fabulous side, and asked if he could wear it for a while, but made me promise not to tell Wolfwood.

1 comment:

  1. You look totally swank! I think you should wear it to work one day.
