Monday, June 25, 2012

Javert Plushy WIP shots

Finally got back onto my plushy project.  He now has a mouth and hair!  Those are both very useful things to have.

Javert still has no clothes, and he views running around naked with extreme dissapproval.  So Vash-plushy loaned him his coat, since it would fit him.  (Such a nice guy!)  Javert thought the coat looked absolutely rediculous and that Vash must surely be attention starved to want to wear something like that, but it was better than being naked.

Hair with sideburns and a little frowny-mouth.

And a ponytail in the back.

The mouth is drawn on with sharpie.  (Note to self: fine point sharpies work good, but the bigger points bleed a little.)  The hair is felt, and was glued on, although I hand-stitched it afterward, to smooth out joints between pieces of fabric.  So I guess in the end, all the gluing really did was hold the pieces in place while I sewed.   The ponytail is two pieces hand-stitched together and stuffed, then stitched sloppily onto the back of the head.  I had a scrap piece of felt hanging around that just happened to be about the right size and shape for the ponytail, so that was nice.  Right now he's got a gigantic red bow tied on, but that's only because I had red ribbon hanging around.  I'll give him something less girly later.

Hand sewing a whole project is something I find long and tedious, but a little hand-sewing now and then is actually pretty relaxing for me.  It's one of those activities that keeps your hands busy while your mind can wander a little.

Amy's made progress on her plushy also.  It still has no mouth, but it does have hair.  And it has dragon wings, which is pretty darn cool.  The wings are two pieces of felt with pipe cleaners in between.  She stitched along the outside of each of the pipe cleaners to make them more pronounced.  This means the wings have their ribbing in them, but also that they're bendable.

Rambling that you may or may not find interesting:
I realized while working on Javert's hair that there's two versions of Javert-hair out there.  In the musical, he frequently has a ponytail, while in the book it says he has short hair and bangs.  I debated a bit which I wanted to do and went with the ponytail, partly because it's sort of the fan favorite of the hairstyles, and partly because it sounded like fun.  The book never gives a hair color, and in the musical it depends on who the current actor is, but he's usually portrayed with black or brown hair.  I went with black because I dig guys with black hair.  (That's really as deep my reasoning went.  I feel so shallow, yet I regret nothing!) 

Remember how, in my last post, my Wolfwood action figure went and introduced himself to Amy's Ezio action figure by punching him in the face?  Well, Ezio sought revenge today and Amy happened to get some pictures.  Apparently Wolfwood was minding his own business, practicing some kick-butt looking poses, when Ezio attacked from above!  I don't know what followed, but they both managed to escape unharmed.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Moved, Writer Friend, and Action Figures

Last weekend my sister and I moved into our new apartment.  We're pretty much all unpacked now and such, except that my room is still a disaster area.  Somehow I keep working on it, but it doesn't look any cleaner.  It's hard for me to relax when things are really messy, so the first of the week I pretty much went around stressed all the time, and even sat at work thinking, "I shouldn't be here!  I should be at home!... cleaning!"

To help unwind I took time at the end of the day to work on a back, back, back, back burner project, a fanfiction that will probably never get finished.  I'll write a chapter or so and then get a "Well, that itch has been scratched," feeling.  Then a couple months later, I'll feel the urge to write some more, add another chapter, etc.  Since I don't expect to ever finish it, there's pretty much no pressure to actually write anything good, so that made it a really good stress-free distraction.  This week I added on to it every night.  Now that itch has been scratched.  Again.  Next distraction please!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

New Project full of Les Mis-y Goodness

I've been very busy crafting this week.  Have I been sewing a dress?  No.  Have I been drawing?  No.  Have I been putting together costumes?  No.

I've been making a plushy, because my artistic ADD kicked in hard core this week.