Saturday, August 17, 2013

Life Update 8/17/13

I've got a new job working for ADG Architects and I'm living in OKC now.  ADG is the firm that did the ballpark stadium in bricktown, so that's cool.  I've been here in OKC for a month now, so here's the rundown:

Home: I'm still not done unpacking. *sigh*  I have less free time in my day because of a longer drive (plus getting up earlier for the drive means going to bed a little earlier).  And the first couple of weeks were so exhausting that now that things have slowed down a bit, I don't want to work on anything like unpacking or decorating.  I just want to relax.

The apartment complex is pretty good.  Aside from the occasional blaring car radio the place seems pretty quiet.  (Why is it an unwritten law that loud radios have to have rap?  Why can't somebody blare something cool, like 80's pop?)  My street is full of retail stores and restaurants, which is nice.  I feel like I can appreciate where I am more, both my part of town and the whole city, once I get a little more settled in and explore everything the place has to offer.  I mean, I've lived here a full month and I haven't even been to a mall yet!  What is wrong with me!

Oh, also, my grandparents live in one of the city's suburbs, which is nice.  I've already gone to visit them.  My grandma fed me enchiladas!  Score!

Work: As soon as I started they threw me into overtime for the first two weeks.  Which was very stressful.  I was learning on the fly, working late every day, plus there are all those post-move chores, like changing addresses, talking to insurance agents, talking to your bank, etc.  So the first few weeks I was running at 100 mph all day every day.  Very glad things are slowing down now.

The place seems pretty good.  There are 40-50 employees, but I work on a team of about six.  I've heard Princess Bride quotes being thrown around by my coworkers.  That's a good sign.  Every Friday the place provides bagels and fruit for breakfast, and there's been occasional cookies just because.  Another random pro/con is that I can't go home for lunch (too far away).  The con is that I have to pack a lunch before work every morning.  The pro is that I use my lunch break to read, which is something I haven't been doing much of lately, and I'm glad to be back in that habit.

I'm reading Anne of Green Gables, by the way.  If you want something light hearted and cute, then do read it.  It's adorable.

Creative Projects:  I... don't know.

I hit a sudden Trigun burnout (Woah!  Gasp!) so any writing/art/whatever on that front I dropped.  As for the video game, I don't know what it's fate is.  A big part of me still wants to do it, but I feel like our little group lost interest and I would be left on my own if I continued with it.  That's a bit daunting.  For the moment, I'm just letting the project sit in hiatus-land until I'm more settled into my new home and job and ready to turn my attention to projects again.

That's about it, I guess.  I'm still sort of coming down off the stress of having moved and the overtime and such.  I still feel like things haven't quite become normal yet.  But I'm doing good.

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