Saturday, January 5, 2013

Legato Drawing

Okay, here's the drawing I did but wasn't able to post last time.

This is Legato from Trigun.  He's not very high of my "Favorite Characters" list.  In fact, he's creepy, sadistic, and... creepy.  Oh, and he's creepy.  The first time I watched the anime, I absolutely hated him, and every time he'd come on screen, I'd point my fingers like a gun and pretend to shoot him.  But the manga gave him a little more character development, and, over time, I've developed a sort of morbid fascination with his character.  What led me to actually draw him was someone on tumblr complaining that there wasn't enough fan art of Legato out there, so myself and a few others volunteered to provide some more.

I actually started this drawing by tracing a screen shot from the anime, and then tweaking everything into more realistic shapes and proportions.  (Which actually was an act of laziness, to be honest.  I could have just looked at the picture and drawn it, but whatever.)  You don't really realize how wonky anime actually is until you do something like this.  Apparently anime characters use volumizing shampoo, because there's, like, two inches of hair sitting on top of their heads.  (And those are the ones without the spikey hair.  Like, seriously, what hair products does Yu-Gi-Oh use?  I want to know!)  And when their head is turned a little to the side, their eyes are still so wide, they're practically on the sides of their heads.  Oh, and their eyes are big and their noses are pointy, but we knew that already.

I had a hard time with his expression, because originally, I was going to give him a wicked smile.  But with his hair across his face, I couldn't use his eyebrows to portray emotion.  So if I made him smile, he looked like a genuinely happy guy.  (No, Legato.  You are NOT a genuinely happy guy.  And if you ever were happy, you little creep, I'd be worried.)  So I changed his expression to hopefully make him look kinda ticked off instead.

On a related note, I took art class every year of high school, and a portrait drawing class at a Vo-Tech, and the portrait drawing class was the only useful thing out of the lot.  I'm pretty sure the teacher was gay.  I don't have a problem with that, I just distinctly remember noticing that he tended to call his students "honey," and the fact that that's the thing I remember the most is amusing to me.  He also had a prop one day that was a skull with pantyhose pulled over it to illustrate the curves and indentions of skin on the face, and he made some joke about how the pantyhose weren't his, he had bought them just for the class, and I thought, "Really?  Are you sure?"  I'm not really sure why I included this story.  It's just that I remember that guy every time I draw a portrait and I felt like sharing.

Peace Out! 

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