Sunday, October 28, 2012

Nanowrimo 2012

So, next month is Nanowrimo.  (That would be National Novel Writing Month, a challenge to write 50,000 words of a novel during the month of November.)

In case you haven't noticed, my creative attention span has been jumping from one thing to another lately, and, as such, my writing projects and ideas are a bit too messy to participate in Nanowrimo properly.  But, I'd like to go for it nonetheless, but just a little differently.  I plan on aiming for 50,000 words of anything.  This could be random out-of-order scenes, original work, fan fiction, novel length stories, short stories, whatever I end up writing.  Just as long as I'm writing, no matter how random and ever-changing the subject matter is, I'll be happy.

I made very half-hearted attempts at this the last two years, and if there's anything I've learned, it's that in order to reach that word count goal, you can't do it half-heartedly.  To keep me from wussing out, I've struck a deal with a friend to be my support buddy, and, somehow, I also ended up joining a facebook group to boot.

I plan on using the blog during the month to post word counts, musings and excerpts while I write, which will either be cool or boring for you guys.  I'm not really sure which. XD

We start on Thursday... here goes nothing...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Short Story

Hey gang!

I'm gonna post a short story.  It's actually... *checks* 17 pages in a word processor, and almost 10,000 words, which I think is on the long end of a short story.  *checks that, too*  Wikipedia says a short story can be up to 20,000 words, so I'm good.  Not that it really matters.  I just wanted to warn you that you might set this aside for when you can read it in one sitting.

And, I should warn that it's a Trigun fanfiction, and that it's set AFTER the end of the anime, so there are SPOILERS.  Like totally.  We're spoilering it up in here.  So if you don't want spoilers, or you don't watch Trigun, I'm sorry.  :(  I'll have something not-Trigun next time.  (And this isn't, by the way, the fanfiction I mentioned before.  That one's long, and still not finished.)

I started this quite a while back and didn't finish it.  But with Halloween coming up, I was reminded of it, since it's a ghost story, and completed it.  Although, it's not scary.  In fact, it's meant to be kind of humorous, because silly Trigun is the best Trigun.  But, basically, the whole thing was more or less made up as I went along, for my own enjoyment, so I can't guarantee the quality.  But if it gets a chuckle out of you at any time, I'll consider it a success. 

This doesn't have a title, because I'm bad at titles.  I would probably name it something like, "Attack of the Ghost Who Was Actually Quite a Nice Ghost and Didn't Mean to Scare Meryl, So He's Very Sorry, But Not Sorry for Being a Pain in the Butt to Knives, Because Knives Deserves It."  Yep.  Award-winning title right there.

Okay, anyway, here's my gibberish.