Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Updates and Arguments with my Muse

Table of Contents
1. Muse...ings
2. Dress Work-in-Progress Picture
3. Sarah in a Pink Wig.  (Yes, you read that right.)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Little Mer-seal

1) One of several goddesses of classical mythology presiding over the arts.
2) A person who serves as a source of inspiration to an artist.

Alternate definition:
The part of an artist responsible for inspiration and creativity, referred to as it's own individual entity, due to it's habit of defying reason, logical thought, and occasionally the wishes of the artist, as if it had a mind of it's own.
Example sentence: "My muse demanded that I draw my favorite character.  After that, my muse must have gotten mad at me for something, because it gave me artist block."

So, for the past, like, two freakin' years, my muse has been all, "I am in love with Trigun!"  This past week, for reasons I will never be able to explain, my muse came to a screeching halt and said, "Vash?  Who's that?  Whatever.  I'm all about making my own characters, baby!"