Sunday, May 1, 2011

Comic Strips

First of all, I want to thank everyone for the responces, encouragement and advice I recieved on my last blog post and on facebook as well.  Being able to share this with others and hearing back from them really helps a lot, and I'm very grateful to everyone.  THANKS, GUYS!  YOU ARE AWESOME!

Secondly... remember that thing I said about how I wasn't going to mention Trigun in my next post (ignoring the Post of Angst I wrote last time)?  Well... I kinda... lied... I had thought that I would spend the week making a necklace for my sister and then blogging about it, but instead I've spent a whole lot of time doing nothing.  But I did mention an Easter comic that I was going to blog about and it... might... maybe... involve... characters from a certain anime, the name of which begins with "Tri" and ends with "gun."

SO ANYWAY, here's a belated Happy Easter to everyone!  Please enjoy my belated, silly, and kinda crappy comic that I made.  (And don't worry, you won't have to know Trigun to appreciate it, although it might be a little helpful to know the guy in the suit is a priest.)

Because it's the simple things in life, right?  Like shoving peeps in your mouth with your best friend until you puke!  I originally had this idea for Christmas, only slightly different, but I was lazy and didn't draw it.  But I thought Wolfwood might want to say a few words on the reason for the season and then I thought that, most likely, Vash would pop up and say something stupid and completely derail him.  Because that's something Vash would do.

Sarah's thoughts on comics are as follows: I hate them.

This is because I am always, ALWAYS coming up with ideas for comic strips, but it's terribly difficult for me to find motivation to actually draw them.  When I do draw them, I want them to look really good, and then I'm like, "Why am I putting this much effort into a dinky comic strip?" and ADD sets in and my style quickly regresses into something either crappier or more and more simplistic so I can finish quickly.  Fortunately, with the above comic, the general atmosphere becomes sillier and I can get away with drawing dinkier chibis, which was crazy convenient because I got bored drawing it really really quickly.  When drawing an actual picture, I have more patience and will spend a lot of time on it, but with comic strips, it better be darn quick to draw or I'm in trouble.

It's a shame, really, because I'd love to actually do comic strips, or even a series, but I never do.  See, growing up, I never considered myself to be very funny and always wished I was.  Now I feel like I might actually be learning how to be funny once in a while, which is kind of exciting for me.  I want to flex my funny-muscles and do some comics.

But I guess if I do that I'm going to have to figure out some super simple style to do them in, so I can do them quickly enough to satisfy myself.  Maybe something like these guys.

Yeah... I might be able to handle that...

P.S.  Comic belongs to
P.P.S.  If you want to check out humon's comics, that's cool, because some of them are pretty funny.  But I hold no responsibility for anything you see there.  Some of her stuff is kinda... inappropriate...

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