Friday, May 13, 2011


Last weekend, I had the wonderful opportunity to see a professional performance of the musical Les Miserables.  Boy, was it neat to watch!  And I think one of the best things about it was to get back to work on Monday, tell my coworkers I had seen it, and have two different people instantly say, "'Bring Him Home' is such a good song!"  (I love my coworkers.)  That, and I overheard someone afterward saying "I thought he was going to jump off the bridge rail and just face-plant on the stage, and I was thinking, 'Uh... that's not going to sound like water.'"  Which, if you don't know Les Miserables, won't make any sense, but if you know it, you know what I'm talking about!  I had to try not to laugh, because I wasn't meaning to eavesdrop.

I'm in love with musicals.  Music has such a powerful effect on emotions, and I think the idea of telling a story through music is pure brilliance.  So here, for your enjoyment, are some of my favorite songs from my top three favorite musicals.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Comic Strips

First of all, I want to thank everyone for the responces, encouragement and advice I recieved on my last blog post and on facebook as well.  Being able to share this with others and hearing back from them really helps a lot, and I'm very grateful to everyone.  THANKS, GUYS!  YOU ARE AWESOME!

Secondly... remember that thing I said about how I wasn't going to mention Trigun in my next post (ignoring the Post of Angst I wrote last time)?  Well... I kinda... lied... I had thought that I would spend the week making a necklace for my sister and then blogging about it, but instead I've spent a whole lot of time doing nothing.  But I did mention an Easter comic that I was going to blog about and it... might... maybe... involve... characters from a certain anime, the name of which begins with "Tri" and ends with "gun."

SO ANYWAY, here's a belated Happy Easter to everyone!  Please enjoy my belated, silly, and kinda crappy comic that I made.  (And don't worry, you won't have to know Trigun to appreciate it, although it might be a little helpful to know the guy in the suit is a priest.)