Saturday, December 29, 2012

I'm still doing things... sort of...

So I haven't posted in almost two months.  XP

I was going to post regularly during Nanowrimo, but I didn't.  I think part of that was because every time I thought that I ought to write in my blog, I told myself it would be more constructive to write on my story/story ideas.  Another reason was that I didn't do too hot during Nanowrimo and I think deep down I didn't want to broadcast my floundering efforts to the world.  Floundering is a good word... Like a Magikarp...  Sarah used Splash!  Sarah wrote 200 words.  Sarah fainted.

I meant to push on through December so that I could at least claim my word count goal as a prize, even if it was late.  But then we had this project of doom at work and I had to work overtime for about three weeks, and that killed me.  Those were dark days in which I was chained to my desk at work, a chain with links too thick to saw through with my nail-clipper file, while someone came by once a day with a shallow bowl full of slop so that I could keep up just enough strength to keep going.  I tried to send help to the outside world, but all I could do was write notes on post-it notes, fold them into paper airplanes, and then aim for the open door whenever someone came in or out.

Okay, just kidding.  There was no chain, the slop was actually Christmas cookies, and I complained a lot to several people, who listened and sympathized, so that was nice of them.

Soon after the project of doom was over, I had to get ready for Christmas, and Christmas break, and for the past week I've been doing some really awesome chillaxing.

I drew a for-real, honest-to-goodness pencil drawing, but I'm at my folks' right now and I don't have a scanner, so that will get plastered on three different websites once I get home, including this one.  I've had artist's block for months, so drawing again felt REALLY good.

And then there's my fanfiction.  I worked on it during nanowrimo and got up to the climax.  At that point, I was able to look back very clearly on what I had written and realized I had accomplished the most boring fanfiction ever to be fanfictioned.  The IDEA of the story I still like.  But the plotline was terrible.  I decided to set it aside for the time being and come back to it with fresh eyes.  In fact, in the last few days, I've been musing on it, and I've already come up with some alterations that improve things greatly.

Things on the horizon: 
  • More drawings, hopefully.  
  • Since I'm nearly starting from scratch on the fanfiction, it will be awhile before there's anything worth sharing.  
  • I plan on doing some cosplay/prop tweaking before Nakakon in March.  
  • All-in-all, though, it's a little hard to say.  I feel like the new year is a chance to make some resolutions and take care of some flaws/bad habits, so it's possible that I may not get much creative work done while I focus on some self-improvement.  Also, I got a nook for Christmas, so I may not get much creative work done because I'm reading.

So, yeah, that's what's up with me these days.

Peace out!