Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Story I'm (Not Quite) Working On

The story I'm not quite working on, also being the story that is not quite working.

I've had the idea for the story hanging around in my head for a while.  I like to let ideas sit and incubate in the back of my mind a good while to make sure I've got the plotline all worked out before I begin writing.  It's getting to be about time for this story to come out of the incubator and hatch, except for one problem.  This story is a twin, and it's dear brother is rather disrespectful and unruly towards it's mother.  In other words, I can't get the darn thing to do what I want it to do.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Free Programs of Creative Awesomeness

Just as the title says, this blog post is more or less a list.  I couldn't think of anything in particular that I really wanted to talk about, so I thought, "Let's talk about everything!"

Okay, so it's not really everything but there's writing, gaming, 3D modeling and music here.  That's kind of like everything, right?  It's all the really important stuff anyway.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

How To: Pillowcase

Alrighty, guys!  Someone requested the instructions for the pillowcase I made, so that's what I've got for you this time.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Anime Pillows

What have I been doing this week, you ask?  Making anime pillows.  Duh.  What else would I be doing?  You think I do normal things like watch TV?  Psht!  No!  I come home from work, jump on the sewing machine, and my life is complete!  (Apparently I have no social life.)